Sunday 19 September 2010


For anyone who has been checking out this blog recently and noticed a lack of posts. That would be because the blog has been moved to another location. Apologies to anyone who has been looking. The new blog is a tumblr blog. Located over HERE

Hope to see you guys over there.

Friday 11 June 2010

Snow Patrol Gig (#snowpatrol #editors #bandofhorses #frightenedrabbit)

It's all coming that little bit closer everyday. I'm finally going to see one of my favourite bands live. Unbelievably on top of that is the fact i'm also going to be able to witness two other bands i'm really into.

It was only in March that i seen the Editors live in my hometown. I'll be getting to see it all again. Can't believe it. They were fantastic when they sold out Fat Sams. The venue wasn't the biggest which made it an even better gig. To be able to experience it all again and under a totally different setting is surreal. The gig is of course totally outdoors.

As for Band Of Horses, they're a relatively new band on the scene. They've been around for years but are only just coming into their own here in the UK. I discovered them thanks to the first SKATE game with "The Funeral". I've followed them since and they just get more interesting and soothing with every track i hear.

Frightened Rabbit are also a band i've heard of so i'll happily give them a mention. I haven't heard too much of their material but i've been pleased from what i've heard so far. I only came across them earlier this year i think. Got their album and gave it a few listens. Naturally when they were announced as support for Snow Patrol i slyly popped their stuff back on in my itunes player. Their not half bad. Being a Scottish band helps them out too :)

Come Saturday I see it being a whole new experience for me personally. I've never been to an outdoor gig at all. Never fancied the festivals and so on. If this goes well then i'm sure i might just consider the festivals next year. I'll be sure to post what pics and videos i can get up here. So look out for some of that. Can't wait for this thing.


Thursday 10 June 2010

Recovery (#eminem)

He's back yet again apparently. I've just came across his latest, Recovery.

Now I haven't personally listened to a full Eminem album since way back in my teens with "The Eminem Show". Everyone goes through one of those phases right? Only some people never get out of it. I slipped out of it and more into my rock and so forth just before i turned 18. What I'm trying to get across is that it's always joyful and insightful to venture back and see what's changed since you were last in the period of time.


Friday 28 May 2010

Harder than i thought it'd be..

Hello there. Certainly been a while again since i posted a decent blog entry but I'm now here to explain why.

As some of you may know, I recently had yet another awesome birthday. I can now safely say I'm the best age EVER. I turned 23, made it a weekend to remember, in my head at least. Amongst having my birthday this past month I've also been busy with other commitments. They range from the pain that is work all the way to support missions resulted from my travels to other parts of Scotland. Mainly St Andrews :)

So firstly i do apologise for any of you, if there are any of you, who were looking forward to some decent posts this month. I do have a few decent but rather large entries coming up. They consist of, you've guessed it, the end of my long-time favourite TV Show Lost along with an entry on Rockstar's latest adventure Red Dead Redemption.

The main entry that'll be along hopefully soon is news on my Blomic or (Blog Comic) I've been writing and thinking allsorts concerning the project. I've got the main idea all planned out but it's just more a case of putting the plans into motion. I've got a free stint of time coming up shortly so I reckon that'll be the time i move ahead. I've ran the idea by a few friends and they seem to think it'll be possible. So keep an eye out for it soon.

One last thing i have coming up is the long-awaited arrival of the latest AOTM (Album of the Moment) I've listened to some fantastic albums the past couple of weeks and choosing between them has indeed proven to be more difficult than i thought it would.

If you guys want to know about any of the stuff i just mentioned, feel free to give me a buzz on either Facebook or Twitter.


Tuesday 11 May 2010

Justified is my game (#justified)

Not posted for a little while but I'm still determined to keep this blog going, believe it or not.

Thought i'd dedicate a post to this new show I've recently came across during one of my many escapades online. It's a little show that goes by the name of Justified. It stars the man above himself, Timothy Olyphant. You should recognise him from several films such as Die Hard 4.0, Hitman, The Crazies. Not a bad collection.

This is no film though, This show is about U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, a modern day western-style lawman, who enforces his brand of justice to put a target on his back with criminals and puts him at odds with his bosses in the Marshal service.

The plot revolves around an incident he's involved in that results in him being shipped off back to where he grew up. Kentucky.  He comes across old friends, turned new enemies aswell as past love and he stumbles upon other tidbits of his past life too all while being a man of the law.

It's not my usual type of show to be fair. I'm a bit hit and miss with crime dramas but this has a different feel to it. I've watched the first few episodes and don't see myself growing bored of it anytime soon so that can't be anything but good. For more info on the show check out the official page HERE (beware of spoilers)


Thursday 22 April 2010

APB Beta Key (#apb #competition)

That's some nifty gear you have. Mind if i try it out?

If you're wondering who these guys are..They're two of many customizable options available to players of a game called APB or All Points Bulletin. It's an open world MMO currently in it's BETA stages. It's being developed by one of my local gaming companies who go by the name of Realtime Worlds. If you like the sorts of GTA and Saints Row then this is a game you  might fancy trying out. Imagine it.. A massive city to run about in and do whatever and whenever you please. You can choose to be a cop or a criminal first off. Uphold the law or betray it..your choice.


Monday 19 April 2010

Skate 3 Demo Impressions (#skate3)

Who's up for a sesh then?.. Not that kind of sesh. A Skate-tastic one of course.

The Demo has finally made its way onto the marketplace and psn network and it brings with it Coach Frank and a whole load of new path to get your skate on. What differs from Skate and Skate 2 then you ask.. Click that shiny, coloured word below for my personal insight.


Monday 12 April 2010

Killing Floor - Lee Child - My new book (#leechild #killingfloor #jackreacher)

I have no idea what's happened to me so far this year. I've read more books in the past couple of months than I have my entire childhood. Ranging from 3 of Danny Wallace's books to Twilight and soon to be New Moon. What happened to the old Dave who simply got by playing football everynight and enjoying a vivid session on the xbox or ps2 back in the day?

He's not gone anywhere in reality, I'm still here. Grudgingly trying to find a reason for the change. I can't though in all honesty, I've just discovered, like countless others than i enjoy a partial read of a book now and again.


Friday 9 April 2010

Blink 182 LIVE IN AUGUST.. (#blink182)

..I'll be there...YAAAA!

Little bit excited at the minute if you didn't catch it up there. But yeah i just bought myself a ticket to go see them in August, up in Aberdeen. Blink have always been a band I could easily listen to without a second thought. Definitely one of the bands i got into a little too late. They split up a couple of years after i did which sucked. Thankfully they settled their differences and reunited.

It was announced last year if i remember rightly that they were to do a world tour. In the end i think they just toured parts of America. Fear not though because it seems they actually ARE now doing a WORLD tour. They have two shows in Scotland. Glasgow, which is now sold out, and Aberdeen, which i managed to get tickets for. Still finding it hard to believe i'll actually be seeing them. 2010 could be the year for me definitely. I'm working on plans to see Snow Patrol (who says i don't do variety) too. Way too excited.


Thursday 8 April 2010

Fifa World Cup 2010 Impressions (#FIFA #worldcup)

Another big football event on the calendar and another edition of a world cup game is about to be released too. For the doubters who see it as a patched up Fifa 10, think again. From what I’ve played so far it’s far more polished and improved on Fifa than i think anyone would imagine.
